SPT Webinar Series
Level up with SPT's 4-part webinar series.
What can you expect?
- First hand insight and knowledge from some of our most successful SPT Coaches
- Emphasis on the benefits and highlights available through GameTraka - SPT's analytics platform
Over the coming months, SPT will be hosting a range of webinars as per the below:
101: Building the Foundation
Let's get back basics.
This webinar is designed for either new customers of SPT or existing customers who want to refresh their understanding of the fundamentals of GPS tracking.
We will break down the end to end process involved with using a SPT 2 device, uploading recordings to GameTraka and using GameTraka to identify how your athletes are performing.
Date: February 23, 2022
Time: 12pm ET, USA
Register Here.
201: Execute your Game Plan - Cancelled
Preparation drives results.
Put yourself in your athletes shoes. Take a look ahead at your upcoming week, month or season and start to understand how to best achieve your goals.
We will take a look at segmenting, trimming and much more.
301: Load Management - Cancelled
Load management is a good thing!
We know that each one of your practice and training sessions are crucial to getting your team to peak performance shape. With SPT GPS tracking, we can help you and your team work smarter, not harder.
Understanding the load on your athletes can ultimately determine when to pull back and when to push.
401: Keep your athletes at the top of their game - Cancelled
We all know that as much as we would like, we cannot completely take injury off the table.
With proper metric analysis and load management, SPT can assist in reducing that risk of injury while working towards that elite performance level.