Deonte Mack - Director of Athletic Performance - Eastern Michigan
While using the SPT GPS data trackers we can monitor our athlete’s loads throughout our training sessions over the week to prescribe the right amount of volume to which our athletes can continue to train hard without the risk of injury or overtraining.
We also can identify which athletes need more or less volume based on the athlete’s ability to reach certain velocities/speed which determines the overall physical condition or cardiovascular capacity to train more frequently at those higher speeds.
This system has become a game-changer for our performance staff to prepare our athletes for the demands of competition within their sports and their overall successful outcome, by the management of those workloads and further pushing the athlete’s physical development.
We also can identify which athletes need more or less volume based on the athlete’s ability to reach certain velocities/speed which determines the overall physical condition or cardiovascular capacity to train more frequently at those higher speeds.
This system has become a game-changer for our performance staff to prepare our athletes for the demands of competition within their sports and their overall successful outcome, by the management of those workloads and further pushing the athlete’s physical development.